Take a Tour
After our own crowdfunding project ended, we realized the months of work ahead of us to verify backer addresses and double check products from each pledge.
That's how Crowd Ox got started, and it's come a long way since. See details of our platform below.
How it Works
1. Import Your Project
Crowd Ox scans your Kickstarter or Indiegogo page and imports all relevant information including number of backers, amount pledged, and reward levels.
2. Configure
You'll configure your project on Crowd Ox, including questions, extras, and shipping rates. A test account is provided so you can to run through the process yourself.
3. Email & Launch
Crowd Ox sends an email to backers to confirm or upgrade their reward level. They also have the opportunity to purchase extras, verify their address, review and confirm.
Our Survey & Checkout Process
1. Confirm or Upgrade Reward Level
After the project launches, backers receive an email to go through the Crowd Ox checkout process. The first step in the process is to confirm or upgrade their reward level.

2. Purchase Extras
Backers can purchase additional items to help increase your funding.

3. Verify Shipping Address
Backers then verify their shipping address which is checked against a 3rd party address verification service (both domestic and international). This can save thousands of dollars and hours of work in returned packages due to address typos.

4. Review & Confirm
If the pledge amount is less than their total, backers can pay their balance with a credit card or through PayPal.

Superb Admin Tools for Project Creators
All project creators have access to an admin tool that allows you to track your pledges, track product order quantities, manage your backers and more.